

Board meetings will be scheduled in compliance with the law and as deemed by the Board to be in the best interests of the district and community.  董事会将通过(1)定期会议发挥作用, (2)特别会议, 包括董事会委员会会议, (三)紧急会议;(四)公开听证会.


Regular meetings of the Board of Directors are held at least once a month according to a yearly schedule adopted in advance per 董事会的政策 No. 1220,董事会官员 & 董事会成员的职责.

All regular meetings shall be held at the Frances Owen Auditorium located in the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心, 第三大道南2445号, 或在主持会议的官员或董事会多数票决定的其他地方举行. If regular meetings are to be held at places other than the Frances Owen Auditorium or are adjourned to times other than a regular meeting time, 会议通知应以与特别会议相同的方式发出. 委员会所有例会均须在地区范围内举行. 常规会议日期为法定节假日时, 会议将在下一个工作日举行, 除非董事会表决另有指示.

An agenda of business to be transacted shall be posted on the district website 在公布的会议开始时间前不少于24小时. 

Noticing and location requirements may be modified in the event of an emergency as described in 紧急会议 below. 


特殊的会议, 包括董事会委员会会议, 可由主席或经董事会多数成员的请愿而召集. 特别会议的书面通知, stating the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted shall be posted to the district’s website 在公布的会议开始时间前不少于24小时, 以及各董事会

会员将以电子邮件方式收到投寄通知, 如果会议提前不到7天召开, 通过电话. The written and/or telephonic notice requirement shall be deemed waived as to a Board member if that Board member: 1) Submits a written waiver of notice to the Board Secretary at or prior to the time the meeting convenes. 弃权可以用电报发出, fax or e-mail; or 2) Is actually present at the time the meeting convenes.

Written notice shall also be sent 在公布的会议开始时间前不少于24小时 to each newspaper and radio or television station that has filed a written request for such notices. 书面通知可以亲自或通过邮寄、传真或电子邮件送达.

The district shall also prominently display the notice at the main entrance of the district’s headquarters, as well as at the location of the meeting if the meeting is held at a location other than the headquarters, 在公布的会议开始时间前不少于24小时. During a declared emergency which prevents a meeting from being held in-person with reasonable safety the district may instead post notice of a remote meeting without a physical location on the district’s website 在公布的会议开始时间前不少于24小时.

The notices provided in this section may be dispensed with in the event a special meeting is called to deal with an emergency involving injury or damage to persons or property or the likelihood of such injury or damage, when time requirements of such notice would make notice impractical and increase the likelihood of such injury or damage, 或所要求的通知不能以合理的安全方式张贴或展示, including but not limited to declared emergencies in which travel to physically post notice is barred or advised against.

The Board will not take final disposition on any matter other than those items contained in the notice of the special meeting and agenda.


If, 由于火灾, 洪水, 地震, 或其他紧急情况, 联委会有必要加快行动,以应对紧急情况, 主席可提供除常规会议地点以外的会议地点, 用于没有物理位置的远程会议, or for a meeting at which the physical attendance by some or all members of the public is limited due to a declared emergency, 在此紧急情况下,通知要求暂停执行.

公众听证会 公听会按法律规定举行. 公开聆讯可由职员就聆讯的主题作陈述, 但是不需要演示. 根据作证规则,在公开听证会上作证

董事会政策编号. 1430和董事会程序1430BP,观众参与. 


Public notice shall be properly given for any special meeting; whenever a regular meeting is adjourned to another time; or, when a regular meeting is to be held at a place other than the 约翰·斯坦福卓越教育中心.

All meetings shall be open to the public with the exception of executive sessions authorized by law and other exceptions provided under the 华盛顿 State Open Public 会议 Act. The Board will take final action resulting from executive session discussions during a meeting open to the public as required by law.

可能需要住宿参加定期或特别董事会会议的个人, 包括残疾人士或需要语言翻译服务的人士, 你应该尽快与安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行办公室联系吗, 而且不迟于开会前两天, 这样就可以安排住宿了. 我们将尽合理努力满足在会议前48小时内提出的要求.


四名董事会成员构成处理业务的法定人数. 两名董事会成员构成在委员会会议上处理事务的法定人数. Board members are not required to be physically present to participate in a Board or committee meeting and count toward the quorum requirements. Any or all Board members may attend and vote via a communication platform – including teleconference – that provides, 至少, 实时的口头交流,而无需与出席者在同一物理位置.

All votes on motions and resolutions shall be by oral roll call vote except for a vote on the consent agenda, 哪一项应通过“口头”投票. 在任何需要向公众公开的会议上,不得以无记名投票的方式采取任何行动. 除下一款另有规定外,动议的结果应以多数票决定. 在这方面, 如果董事会成员弃权, 董事会成员的出席将计入法定人数要求, 但这并不算支持或反对该动议的投票. 投票结果由投票的多数人决定.

A majority vote of all the members of the Board is required for any person to be elected or selected as a Board officer, 填补董事会的空缺, 或者学区负责人的选择.


董事会将以有序和务实的方式召开所有董事会会议 《正规的棋牌平台排行榜》(修订) 作为指导,除非这些规则被董事会政策所取代.

理事会将利用议程确定其日常工作秩序. 然而, 督学或董事会成员均可要求增加或更改已公布的议程, and the Board may adopt a revised agenda or order of business by a majority vote of the Board members present. 在一次特别会议上, the Board may take final action only on that business contained in the notice of the special meeting and agenda. Nothing in this section shall prevent the presiding officer from adjusting the ordering of agenda items, 根据需要, 促进会议时间的有效利用.

州法律规定董事会的业务必须公开进行. 因此, 董事会会议期间, Board members shall exercise principles of good governance and refrain from communicating electronically (e.g.(通过电子邮件、短信或社交媒体)与其他董事会成员就董事会业务进行沟通.e.(任何可能提交委员会采取行动的事项).

董事会政策编号. 3248, 禁止学生使用枪支和危险武器, 和4210年, 禁止成人和游客携带武器, and state law provide general prohibitions on students and members of the public carrying or possessing weapons at school or district facilities and events. 另外, 任何公众人士在知情的情况下携带……是违法的, 或者占有, 用于安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行正式会议的设施区域, 危险的武器, 包括但不限于枪支, “nun-chu-ka棒,“飞镖”,“气枪或手枪, 眩晕枪, 或RCW 9所列的其他危险武器.41.280. Signs providing notice of the restrictions on possession of firearms and other weapons will be posted at facilities being used for official meetings of the Board.